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Personality & Behavioural Assessment
Psychometric profiling is recognised as a vital component in improving organisational effectiveness through the development of individual, interpersonal and team competencies. Partnering with CandidateAsia, we help to match the right candidate to the right role for employers.
We offer psychometric tests to employers as part of the recruitment and selection process. This is to better understand the factors that tend to predict best performers and identify common qualities among successful employees in a job category, so that those qualities can be looked at and trained for. More importantly, it helps to identify potential in a candidate to manage the specific job-related tasks and also fit into the environment and culture of the organisation.
These tests and assessments also raise the candidates’ self awareness in terms of understanding their personality traits, behaviours, interests, values system and skills set. With these findings, the candidates will then be matched to a role that enables them to contribute to the success of the organisation. They are also more likely to be satisfied and rewarded in a role for which they are well suited.
The above tests and assessments are facilitated by our Senior Consultants who are certified 7 Habits Trainer, certified in NLP, certified in DISC, certified in Strong Interest Inventory, certified in administration of Harrison Assessment and other leading psychometric instruments.
For enquiries, please call us at +65 6557 0828 or email us at enquiry@candidateasia.com.