Welcome to CandidateAsia!
CandidateAsia is the first specialist recruitment and executive search company in Singapore and Asia to focus on the recruitment and selection process from the candidate’s perspective at the onset. This methodology sets us apart from other headhunting and recruitment companies and serves as early warning indicators of any mismatch between job seekers and their prospective employers.
We understand that searching for a new career can be a very time consuming and taxing process. As there are numerous jobs available in the market, namely, banking and finance, insurance and reinsurance, information technology and telecommunication, hospitality and retail, sales and marketing, accounting and audit, human resource and administration, supply chain and logistics, life sciences and healthcare, engineering and manufacturing, building and construction, marine and offshore, candidates may not know which job is the right one for them.
By partnering with CandidateAsia, you allow us to help you with your long-term career planning and management. We take the time to get to know you personally, understand your goals and preferences, map out your ideal career path and coach you on how to get there. Career planning and management, therefore, can be a rewarding and positive experience for you, and you will feel more assured in your career choice and the direction you are taking.
Besides preparing the candidates for a successful career, CandidateAsia also assists its candidates who are single to enlarge their social circles and mingle with new friends. In fact, CandidateAsia is the first organisation in Singapore to have such a membership programme exclusively available for its members to achieve a balanced work-life.
Hotdates™ membership is free of charge. Singles who want to register as a member can forward their resumes or CVs to us. Upon confirmation of your membership status, we will help to jazz up your life with suitable datees via private arrangements using our proprietary search methodology.
Whether it is for your work life or personal life matters, CandidateAsia always delivers our promises to you. We understand the process that many candidates face while searching for new employments or friends. All information given to us will be kept strictly private and confidential and is not shared with anyone outside of our organisation without the prior consent from you.

Many undergraduates and fresh graduates may be clueless as to where to start looking for jobs. (Read more) |
These executives are at the early stage of their career cycles who may feel stagnant in their existing roles. (Read more) |
These mid-career professionals and managers may get bored in their current roles, hoping to switch industries. (Read more) |
These senior managers, directors and above generally yearn for new challenges to attain self actualisaion. (Read more) |